Monday, April 2, 2007

What is the bottom line here?

Please use this post for April 10, I posted last week and we didn't have to..Prof Blade said it was ok...Thanks...Nancy

Well, look what is going up for sale, the Chicago Tribune. It amazes me, if it is a smooth going newspaper operation, and making money why sell. All I can say is that someone has the brains and perception to know when it's time to get out. The article mentions that there was a long period of time before the bidders came to the table with an offer. What will the paper become (since the real bottom line is money)are we going to see sensationalism, more Nicole Smith stories, is the paper going to turn into a cheap tabloid? The article skims over the fact that subscriptions are on a decline. Then the rest of the article discusses money, money, money. One good idea however was the thought of employee own stock. Maybe that is the boost we need to see a rise in subscriptions. Wonder if they will give the employees an opportunity to participate? This is suppose to be one to the biggest newspapers around, what then is happening to the smaller ones. It just makes me wonder to what extreme are they going to go to, to sell newspapers. Check it out

Nancy's Comments:
The long and short of it is why would someone buy an in trouble newspaper? If they are going to try and turn it around from declining sales..HOW? Will we as readers suffer? We get most of our news from the internet, radio or TV or the new source our friends. I think a lot of us hear the daily news from our friends who are avid news junkies. Since the article was more about covering the finances, might the new Chicago Tribune turn into another Wall Street Journal?

1 comment:

with a monkey and unlimited amount of time... said...

well, this ones a pickle... just shows how corporation-run news medias can scare the heck outta ya if one guy tries to control it all... but of course, we have laws against stuff like that i ithink.
id totally agree with you though that this paper might turn into something odd and unintended for news media. am i the only one kinda scared os something like this?