Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I found this article interesting because it wasn't exactly an article. It was asking for your memories, photo's and thoughts about those in the military that served aboard the USS John F. Kennedy. They seem to be using the excuse that because it is being decommissioned in March. They are asking YOU to come up with stories.

Nancy Comments: I just couldn't help myself...considering the college course I am taking...to respond to this article. This is pitiful...the news writer or writers...are they tooo lazy to go look for stories...or are they looking for some kind of sensationalism to blow up into a 2 or 3 week story at someone's expense...I hope not...so many have lost loved ones during the wars of the past...why drag this up and rehash people's sorrows...by recreating or reventing them. If their only goal is to celebrate the hero's of yester year...fine...I don't think this is a good idea...applauding hero's...that is fine....but dragging up losses and difficult memories of loved ones long gone....awful....please let me hear your opinions...just click here and let me know how you feel

1 comment:

* Jen * said...

I disagree. I think it is a fantastic idea to gather memoirs of those who have served on board the USS John F. Kennedy. As I to my understanding these sailors treat each other like family, they work together and they fight together; they spend countless hours on deployment where all they have is each other and the sea. They are like a brotherhood/sisterhood. Also take into consideration that every person serving on the same ship has experienced different events. And not to mention USS Kennedy is the last conventionally-powered aircraft carrier built by the US Navy. This is a way to honor our sailors. The same way we honor our lost sailors of the USS Arizona by converting the wreck into a memorial site.
I don't mean to sound harsh I'm just part of a navy family.