Monday, February 5, 2007

Crime Clues

Title: Websites host wealth of crime-solving clues.

Writer: Martin Kasindort

Source: USA Today

People use the internet I think mostly for information, new ideas and other forms of information Read this This was an interesting story to say the least. A dermatologist was found slain in the office. His family decided not to only depend on the police investigation to find his murderer, they took it upon themselves to turn to the internet and post a picture of the suspect on MySpace which was caught on a surveillance camera in the building. The article mentions that doing this is almost equivalent to putting out wanted posters. The police turned up with practically nothing while the family received more than 40,000 hits. The killer is still at large, but the more exposure, the more results.

Nancy's Comment:
I think this is a great idea, but it makes me wonder why do the general public have to go to all the trouble of doing it themselves. The police have more access to criminal files and pictures to make matches. I understand that the police department uses the net to find sex offenders....What about the common murderer....if he is running around loose...why not look for him too. I am sure there are a lot of strange replies to internet posts, and people that are looking for money, that they would turn their grandma in. But I am glad to see that we are moving forward in solving crime. You just can't get faster info than on the net....

1 comment:

speecm1 said...

I think that the idea of posting the picture of the criminal online has good and bad outcomes. On the good side, the internet is used by a vast majority of the world and it could definately speed up the process of incarcerating the criminal. At the same time, it could attract a lot of negative attention from people that are fakes just trying to either get attention...or money as you said before. Interesting article...