Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Title:Judge dismisses lawsuit in Taser death

Writer: Paul Pinkham

I remember when this incident first happened. It apparently is or was in the hands of the courts. Reading this article was confusing, the writer seemed to be more interested in the personal feud with his law partner and gave little focus on his client. The court system usually makes records public and yet the lawyer seem to have more personal problems than his client. Check out the story here.

Nancy comments: I think the writer didn't know which story to work on. He could have given us more information on the Taser situation...or discussed the lawyers problems...he could have gotten 2 stories out of the deal. Why didn't he research the public records....

1 comment:

speecm1 said...

I tried to read the article under your link and it just went to the homepage for From what you were saying though, it seems like it was just another case dealing with a selfish lawyer. If they didn't focus on the real situation, then it was poorly written.