Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Title:Judge dismisses lawsuit in Taser death

Writer: Paul Pinkham

I remember when this incident first happened. It apparently is or was in the hands of the courts. Reading this article was confusing, the writer seemed to be more interested in the personal feud with his law partner and gave little focus on his client. The court system usually makes records public and yet the lawyer seem to have more personal problems than his client. Check out the story here.

Nancy comments: I think the writer didn't know which story to work on. He could have given us more information on the Taser situation...or discussed the lawyers problems...he could have gotten 2 stories out of the deal. Why didn't he research the public records....

Monday, January 22, 2007

Isn't it romantic

Writer: m. C. Finotti

Source: Times-Union/Lifestyle

Date: Sunday January 21, 2007

Title: I do, I do
Yo ho, Yo ho! A Pirate's life for them

This article was adorable, it was about a novelty wedding in Fernandina Beach. "When Eric Childers and his girlfriend, Robin Rafloski decided to marry" she gave him full reign on planning the wedding. He was very resourceful and did it with flare. He decided to do a pirate theme and had the wedding party dressed appropriately, but the bride came in normal formal dress. The big thing that made this sorry so interesting was the fact that they were both about middle aged. They continued the ceremony in pirate fashion with skull and crossbones, maps for invitations, swords, tiki torches and Jolly Rogers flags. If you think you want to check it all out. Click A spread in the newspaper certainly beats just a simple little announcement.

Nancy's Comment: How often do you hear about middle aged people preparing to get married in such a fashion...this kind of novelty wedding makes news and especially when the groom get to do all the planning. It seems to put the romance back into marriage. More amazing they both had been previously married more than once...actually a few times....and yet that didn't discourage them....I think they did it up right....I really do think that romance is still alive at any age.....You just have to find it....

Let's all smell good

Writer: Molly moore

Source: Times-Union/World/pg A19

Date: Sunday January 21 2007

Title: Marie Antoinette fragrance re-created

This article is about a Marie Antoinette newly re-created perfume. It explained that research by historian and professor, Elisabeth do Feydeau at eh Versailles School of Perfumes had discovered the recipes of her fragrances. My understanding that there were only ten, eight and a half ounce crystal bottles of this probably one of a kind fragrances produced selling for a hefty $10,500 each and five have already been sold. If your wallet can't afford that, there are also one that is slightly under one ounce for a mere $450.. The proceeds for this outrageous retail price is said to be going for the purchase of her wood traveling case from a private collector that is asking about half a million.

Nancy's comment: This is absolutely ridiculiou...$10.500 for a bottle of perfume make form flowers that I wouldn't be surprised that you could go pick yourself. Fame seems to be profitable, but not if you are one of the poor working class who is enticed by all the advertising hype suggesting that this famous person uses it or wears it. My gripe here is that a drop or a spritz of perfume latst...what...2 maybe 3 hours then it's gone. What a waste of good money. One would have to be so gullible to want to spend so much money (even the very wealthy) on this perfume, no matter what famous person wore it. For what that 8.5 ox. costs... you could keep a family of 4 in groceries or clothes for a year. With our economy as it is today ...that is ridiculous. I am wondering maybe the media is trying to portray it as an historical event..I think that Marie Antionette should stay back in the history books along with her perfume recipes....then we can sit back and read about her and save our money....

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Immersed in new kitchen adventures

Article: Immersed in new kitchen adventures

Writer: Dan Macdonald

Date: 1/11/07

Source: Times-Union/Taste, page 1

This article seems to contain a little bit of everything. I found the writer hinting about wanting an immersible blender for Christmas, making a sales pitch for someone's book with listed price, and Mr. Macdonald even manage to squeeze in some recipes and party suggestions. The column took on an idea that the writer was your own personal pen pal with thoughts of the day.

Nancy's Comments: This one was a doozie...I couldn't resist checking it out. The writer Dan apparently put part of his Christmas list in his column suggesting that an immersible blender would be nice. He was handing out recipes and party tips too. He still found time and space to suggest a book- including retail price. How nice !! He seems like a good friend to have if you need some free advertising. Seems like good old pen pal Dan could be called a jack of all trades and master of none.....well at least in the kitchen... and by the way...he got his immersible blender for Christmas ....from his wife. He also mentioned in his column that....he surprised to find out....just how many people read his column.....which seems like a thoughtless remark......they surely wouldn't pay him to write a column if nobody wanted to read it...... Anyone wanna share a recipe ????

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Disney Story

Article: She saw it all at Disney, and drew much of it

Author: Susan D. Brandenburg

Date: January 10, 2007

Source: The Florida Times Union/River City News/Arlington Ed.

Comments by Nancy:

This is a story about Cecilia Washington and how she hand painted Jiminy Cricket and also hand painted all the Mickey Mouse Club Mousketeers jackets of Disney characters. Mrs. Washington also has donated her talents to "Give Kids the World" in Orlando. Recently she found Michael there as a request from a terminal child, and he was very complementary of her work. It turns out that she is from Jacksonville, FL., and still resides here after some 40 years, working for the Disney Corporation (company).

Nancy's Opinion: The writer Susan Brandenburg seemed to me to go on and on....and the story got a little boring. Susan had all the facts and I am sure that they are accurate. We, and I include myself... are well aware of Disney's beyond belief creative ability. The story is indeed a form of media... but the media is so aware of the Disney idea and the talent that produces it's products....that we don't need to overdo the fact that Disney would find someone as capable as Mrs. Washington to do something this creative for them. This is a news medium that Mrs. Washington was hired for...advertising.....and she did her job very well. My comment about Mrs. she did a fantastic job. However, the news reporter Susan....made the story boring (even though it involved Michael Jackson and the fact that terminal children were gettng their wishes)... It read like....home town girl makes big splash at Disney. I love Disney and am practically a fanatic about the place. I didn't find this story every exciting.....again ....just a story about a hometown girl who makes good....the fact that she is from our hometown is where the interest lies. All an imagineering ideas...........................N A N C Y..........
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